I am truly grateful that you, myNatnat has the best daddy in the world.
A dad who chooses to be child like to play
with you over being a strict grown up reprimanding your every move;
A dad who chooses to be at home and have fun with you over staying out with friends to have another kind of fun;
A dad who chooses to eat what you need to eat over what he wants to eat;
A dad who chooses to wake up in the middle of the night to attend to you over having a restful sleep through the night;
A dad who chooses to work and earn more to provide over depending on someone else to provide for us;
A dad who chooses to buy toys that will help you grow a healthy mind, body and spirit over buying gadgets that will help him grow his butt;
A dad who chooses to make big dreams real over hiding under illusions;
A dad who chooses patience and understanding over anger and disagreement;
A dad who chooses to pray and seek peace over fighting in order to win.
A dad who chooses to love and forgive over hate and pride;
A dad who chooses us over everything else.
A dad who chooses to be the best at his job being a Dad than just carrying that job title.
You're one lucky child, sweetheart.
Time to kiss your Daddy, Happy Father's Day.
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