Friday, October 24, 2014

Online Learning: Infection Control and Prevention

I got an SMS message a few weeks back from the Health Ministry here in the Kingdom. It was an invitation for health practitioners specially for health professionals who will serve during the annual Hajj to take classes regarding infection (MERS, EBOLA, etc.) control and prevention through Doroob, an online platform for learning. Even though I don't practice my profession here, I still took the classes because we are going to go on vacation soon and the probability of contracting virus during long flights are very high. MERS and Ebola is just too scary to have. I just need to arm myself with reliable knowledge of these viruses to prevent getting them. Plus, these courses are accredited by Ministry of Health so these will count as CME hours.

Doroob mobile site.
Doroob mobile site

The courses, their content and presentation, are easy to understand and very informative in PREVENTION and CONTROL of these scary viruses.  I'm not as worried and anxious as I was before about these Ebola and MERS. I have to commend the Ministry of Health for creating this online courses. Good job.

I'm just waiting now how to get those CME certificates. :)

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